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Art Therapy For
 NDIS Participants

Welcome to our dedicated space for those seeking NDIS-funded support through Art Therapy. As an Art Therapy private practice, we are deeply committed to providing personalised, creative pathways for NDIS participants to explore, express, and empower themselves.

Our approach integrates the transformative power of art with a deep understanding of the psychotherapeutic aspects of Art Therapy, gained through extensive Art Psychotherapy education, and practical experience. This extends to the NDIS framework, ensuring each client receives support that is both therapeutic and aligned with their NDIS plan goals, whilst also being ethically delivered by a qualified and registered Art Therapist.

How Art Therapy Supports You

Art therapy offers a unique avenue for expression and healing, making it an invaluable tool for individuals with various disabilities. Whether you're facing emotional, cognitive, physical, or social challenges, art therapy is an evidence-based support that can be tailored to meet your needs. Here's how:

  • Emotional Expression & Regulation: Art therapy facilitates emotional exploration in a safe and supportive environment, helping individuals process complex feelings without the need for words.

  • Cognitive Enhancement: Engaging in art-making can improve cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and executive functioning, supporting clients with intellectual disabilities.

  • Physical Enrichment: For those with physical disabilities, art therapy can be a form of physical enrichment, improving motor skills through the physical act of creating.

  • Social Empowerment: Art therapy empowers individuals by providing a sense of accomplishment, boosting confidence and self-esteem, while fostering a positive self-identity through the creation of personal expressions.

client creation in Art Therapy Sunshine Coast and NDIS Art Therapy
Flower symbol of growth in Art Therapy Sunshine Coast and NDIS Art Therapy

Our Approach to Supporting You

Initial Contact and Intake

The journey begins with an initial intake call, where we discuss your needs, goals, and how art therapy can support your NDIS plan. This conversation allows us to tailor our approach to your individual journey, ensuring that our sessions contribute meaningfully to you and your goals.

Connecting with Plan Managers

We understand the importance of seamless coordination with you and the NDIS, including plan managers, support coordinators, and support workers. Following the intake call, we connect with your plan manager (if you have one) to ensure that our services are aligned with your NDIS funding and plan goals. This collaboration is crucial for a smooth and supportive therapeutic process.

Booking Your First Appointment

With the administrative details sorted, we schedule your first art therapy session. Our sessions are designed to be welcoming and accessible, ensuring that you feel supported and valued from the moment you engage with your Art Therapist.

Goal Setting and Progress Review

Art therapy is a journey, and like any journey, it's important to have a map. During our initial sessions, we work together to set goals that reflect your NDIS plan and personal aspirations. Regular reviews allow us to track your progress, celebrate your achievements, and adjust our approach as needed to ensure that you are moving toward your goals.

Why Choose Art Therapy?

Choosing art therapy means choosing an evidence-based path of self-discovery and growth that is both creative and therapeutic. It's a choice to engage with your lived experiences in a way that's constructive, expressive, and deeply personal. Our commitment to supporting NDIS clients means that we are dedicated to not just meeting your therapeutic needs but also ensuring that the process is aligned with your broader life goals.

If you're ready to explore how art therapy can support your journey, we're here to guide and support you every step of the way. From the first call to the ongoing journey of discovery and growth, our practice is committed to providing a supportive, creative environment for achieving your goals.

Contact us today to begin your art therapy journey. Together, we can explore the transformative power of art and how it can support you in your daily living.

Book your Intake Call by clicking the image below, or call Rachel on 0435837555 for more information.

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